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We are needing help for our dream wedding...

Let me take you on a journey of how two strangers fell in love and never looked back..
My name is Andrea and I was born in Tasmania and my fiancé Neal, in New Zealand.
It starts in Victoria Australia with my sister meeting a New Zealander, falling in love, have two daughters and moving to New Zealand with her family.
While living in New Zealand her fiance` reconnected with his child hood friend Neal, and become good buddies. Years go by and my sister sets the date for her wedding and I excitingly book my ticket to New Zealand, over joyed to be seeing my big sister marry such a wonderful guy.
But why couldn't I meet somebody like that..
The big day arrives and I'm at the house getting ready myself. Having never met the two groomsmen before I still wanted to help the day go smoother for everybody and go to check if they need anything or any help. That is when I first saw Neal. Was introduced to the groomsmen, I smiled shyly and got the hell out of there before I made myself look stupid. Heart pounding and anxiety riddled over seeing someone I was unexpectedly attracted to..
Some time later at the reception I saw a little dog running around and being the animal lover that I am, a went to go pet the little guy and give him some love. Turns out it's it's Neal's dog and by showing so much attention to his dog had got his attention. No need for an explanation of later that night..
I was heading back to Australia and I honestly didn't know if I'd ever see Neal again after that night and the thought of that made me feel empty inside.
I got his number off my sister. Mabey, just Mabey, talking to him will make me feel better again and hoped that he'd want to talk to me. Yes! He replied to my texts! We begun to court over text and phone calls, and as it turned out he'd felt the same from the very beginning.
Two months after first meeting I flew to New Zealand again for a week to spent time together. After that week we knew that it had been love at first sight. Another two months after that I flew to New Zealand for the final time as that is when I moved in with the love of my life. Three years of being together and we had a beautiful little boy and are now engaged.
Thanks to my sister and her husband two people found each other for life.


  • Andrea Shires
  • Campaign Owner

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