Help Naomi to Have a New Computer

Fundraising campaign by Naomi Balmaceda
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Hello! I am Naomi. I am a web admin and being a graphic artist as my sideline. As what you've read, I am a web admin, I have a day job but I also do a sideline which is being a graphic artist. The very reason why I'm having a sideline is because I need an extra income to be able to support my mother’s medication; she has Parkinson’s disease since 2017 and until now, I am finding extra ways to support her medications. What I’m currently earning as a web admin is not enough to support her medication, because aside from it, I am also supporting other house bills. That’s why I come up with doing being a graphic artist as a solution.

Being a graphic artist require tools that should be able to cope with software requirements. I am currently using a laptop that can somehow manage to run high running software(s) but unfortunately, my laptop is already giving up due to the demands the software I am using and plus what the clients want to see on their commission pieces. I have my laptop since 2015; I even used it on my college days. Aside from using it from studying, I am also using it for extra incomes as well to support household needs. But since it’s already old, it’s no longer functioning well. The screen blink, sometimes it hangs due to heavy software usage, shorter battery life, and worst suddenly shuts down (making me start from where I ended again). As much as I want to save up for buying a new laptop, all of my savings and money are given into our household needs (which I don’t regret on doing too). Without a computer/laptop, I won’t be able to do my side jobs which are very helpful on supporting my mother’s medications.

So if you could have any amount donated to me, to buy a new computer/laptop, I would be grateful to accept it. I hope your heart is touched by my short yet heart-warming story. Thank you.


  • Naomi Balmaceda
  • Campaign Owner

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