Help stateless Aisha access her human right

Fundraising campaign by Shoug Al
  • US$63.00
    raised of $50,000.00 goal goal
0% Funded
2 Donors
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My friend Aisha's life was on hold ever since she was born in 1998 because of a mistake the hospital made which is writing her mom's nationality wrong in the birth certificate leading the birth certificate to behold in court with no one to follow up her case.

Her life is missing big things like :

1. school

2. medical help

3. being rejected from society

4. can't get a job

5. can't get married

My friend doesn't have access to any kind of human right because she has no ID

That is why we are trying to raise money to get her through this difficult life and get her a good lawyer so she gets her birth certificate back so she can get an id that will give her access to education, health care, employment even get married and have kids.

She is human so where is her human right?

She didn't do anything wrong she deserves to live like all of us




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2 donors


shyook aldossary
4847831040597525 Aldossary
raised of $50,000.00 goal
0% Funded
2 Donors

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