Help my Simba

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Simba.our super-friendly and loving community dog, fought off a snake from entering our society. She killed the snake but got bitten during the fight. The snake is a Russell's Viper, the deadliest poisonous snake in India.

Karma Foundation responded promptly to our call for help. By the time Snowy reached their facility, they had emergency medical care ready and waiting for her even on a Sunday. They are doing an amazing job of treating her.

They are so detail-oriented in their approach and provide such regular updates on her and they do all of this at no charge.

Karma is a non-profit NGO that relies on donations to meet their cost. They are one bright ray of hope for injured or ill homeless animals who have nowhere to go for help.

Snake bite cases are very unpredictable in the course they can take and Snowy's is no different. She may need to stay there for no less than 2 months. The course of treatment includes neutralizing the poison, helping her recover her blood counts, reversing damage to the liver and kidneys, caring for the necrosed portion of her face that will soon fall away, maintaining her blood electrolytes fluid therapy, controlling her diet, etc. With so many variables, it is difficult to predict the cost incurred, but it is estimated to fall around the R USD1500 mark.

Join us in supporting Snowy after the courage and loyalty she has shown to her humans and Karma in their efforts to help needy animals. By making a donation towards their expenses.


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raised of $1,500.00 goal
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