Help my brother Amir in his life

Fundraising campaign by sereen mushtaha
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Hello..First I am the sister of the child Amir Osama craved

I am talking about him because he is unable to write and speak ..

The child Amir with cerebral palsy and what is known as lack of oxygen, that is, just a dead body does not move and does not speak and unable to move .. Amir has 5 brothers, all of them intact, but what happened with Amir medical error ..

At the birth of a prince, it was supposed to be a normal birth, but unfortunately after the head came out, the mother turned into a caesarean, which led to a lack of oxygen at birth.

Amir needs pampers, milk, wheelchair and other medicines

Prince of a child in need and appeals to you

My mother’s health condition is not so good. At the birth of my younger brother, she spent 52 days in the Intensive Care Unit. At any moment we expect to lose my mother because she suffers from a severe blood clot due to her caesarian delivery.

I write to you from the tragic circumstances of our unbearable reality, begging to consider with your humanity and sympathy. You are our only hope. We knocked at many doors, beginning with the government, UNRWA, municipality, Civil Defense, but none have worked.

We appeal to you to support us. We would appreciate even a contribution of 1$!


  • sereen mushtaha
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $900.00 goal
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