!!! HELP !!! Mother and daughter in need of medical care

Fundraising campaign by Maria B
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Hello, we are a mother and daughter in urgent need of help. We had to leave our home and country because of persecution, For our personal security we cannot share more about this or whereabout we are currently staying. We left everything behind hoping to find a refuge in a new place, and now we are asking for help to get back on our feet.

Because of severe health conditions of my mother, she cannot work, and I need to be with her and care for her all of the time. Because we had to fled fast, I'm missing some of the documents that are required for registering to a high school. The public schools here are in a language that I still can't speak.

We were given a temporary shelter by the social welfare, and we are struggling to survive. Our money ran out and now we can't buy even basic food supplies, let alone our prescribed medications.

The living conditions in the shelter are very harsh: My mother and I are sharing a small space, without a kitchen, the heating is limited, the toilet is leaking and there is usually no hot water in the shower. It's impossible for us to rent another place and I'm afraid that we would be taken out of the shelter to the streets.

My mother is suffering from chronic conditions of hemophilia and a heavy bleeding fibroid. Those conditions cause her to be extremely weak and disfunctional for most of the time. She needs to take medications and receive blood donations regulary, and use special senitary pads. Luckily, I don't suffer from the same conditions, but because of another genetic condition, I need to take a daily medication. In our circumstances we cannot pay for any of those treatments.

My mother and I only have each other, we are alone in the world without the support of any family member or a friend. We are asking for you to open your heart and help us to have decent life with dignity.

With the money we are hoping to raise we would be able to buy food and medications, to rent a room and get our lives back together in a new country.

Any amount of donation is appreaciated and can help to change our life for the better.

Thank you.


  • Maria B
  • Campaign Owner

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Lital Ben Haim
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