Help me upgrade my Basic Laptop for my Thesis

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Hi! My name is Sam.
I am grateful that I have this laptop as a Gift from my father back in 2020.
This laptop helped me with my Architectural Plates Digitally, especially when the pandemic happened. However, as my Thesis/Capstone is approaching, It will be challenging for me to support myself using this laptop in terms of Digital Architectural Plates that will be much heavier.

This laptop was originally designed to be an office laptop and I just used it for Digital and 3D software that made it overheat broken Fan, a muted screen, deteriorating silicone, and an extremely laggy interface.

\I want to save and buy a new laptop or PC, however, I want to finish college first.

I have attached some of my works using this laptop which I think broke the system.

For sure, I'll be paying this forward. Thank you very much.!


  • Sam Mendoza

Architecture Student in Manila Digital Designer

Architecture Student in Manila Digital Designer

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Asaiyyah Hassan
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