Help Me to Complete Money for Business

Fundraising campaign by Cristina Malay
  • US$0.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: $50.00
Total: $50.00
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I'm 55 years old and PWD. I've dreamed about starting a food business in selling various Chinese dumplings. My goal is failed. I've made stupid mistaken by losing big money to the scammers three times because I thought the profit is used to start my business. I try to recover money loss more than $1000 but it is difficult for me. Your donation is appreciating if you is willing help.


I'm PWD. I love travelling, cooking, gardening and playing table tennis.

I'm PWD. I love travelling, cooking, gardening and playing table tennis.

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $50.00
Total: $50.00

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