Help me to buy new laptop and start work again

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hello good people, my name is Dewi, I'm from Indonesia. I'm sorry is my english bad.

lately i have a problem in my business, i was cheated by someone with a big amount for me that is 1000$.

fraud due to a cooperation agreement to paraphrase students' scientific journals.

I work to manage student data using SPSS, AMOS and Eviews applications.

after this incident, my laptop was damaged, due to a single accident while driving. I was also forced to use an online loan because of the difficulty of finding a side job.

Even though I am married, I have a husband who is stingy, and he never provides for me, so I work hard to buy what I need and the children need.

please help me, good people, your help means a lot to me. although small but I am very grateful.


Hello, I'm my name is Dewi, I'm from Indonesia, I live at Bandar Lampung, my job is statistic analysis. I have problem and need people help me.

Hello, I'm my name is Dewi, I'm from Indonesia, I live at Bandar Lampung, my job is statistic analysis. I have problem and need people help me.

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