Help me to Build a Electric Car

Fundraising campaign by Edison Musta
  • US$0.00
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Hello my name is Edison Musta.

Welcome to my EV (Electric car) build campaign!

Where I stand:
I am currently searching for Electric parts for build the first EV (Electric car) on Albania.


Since the total cost of the EV car i want to build has been estimated to be anywhere between 30-60k (yeah I know it's freaky expensive) so I figured a kick start of 23K, would be extremely helpful to get my EV Car going. This includes all the parts for the EV Electric car and the Donor's Car. This stuff is expensive man, and I don't think I can do this without your help.

So please help me build the first EV Car to Albania. Any donation is extremely appreciated. This is my first gogetfunding ever.

The only thing I can do to return this favor, is this...when the EV Car will finish, I give you my word that I will personally send out pictures of the EV Car and some gifts for some donations that all of you made it happen. I believe in energy and if each one of you sends some energy on my way, I know we will all make this happen and my dream will finally become a reality.

I thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration.

God Bless,

Edison Musta


I'm 26 years old I have finished Electric school in Elbasan

I'm 26 years old I have finished Electric school in Elbasan

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