Help me to be ios developer and get a job

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    raised of $3,600.00 goal goal
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Welcome everybody I'm really happy that's you reading my story now. I appreciate that so much.

I'm 23 years old passionate about programming and coding. I never took a course or certificate in programming and kept learning for many years by self-learning and using free access courses (MOOCs).
First time I take learning coding very serious was 3 years ago. And since then, I learnt as much as I can to increase my knowledge. My passion word is:

These days I try to develop ios Apps, but to do that I need to take some courses online and buy a mac to help me coding fast and powerful. After some research I found this Nanodegree from Udacity that could help to learn and get certificate. Nanadegree Link:


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Abdullah Essam
raised of $3,600.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities