Help me study

Fundraising campaign by Sophia Papadaki
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hello I'm Sophia and I'm 19 years old. I lost two years of school education since I've been abused from my family and I have faced racism in many ways.Due to this I couldn't make I want to give exams again. I had many health issues before such as depression, anxiety etc .So, I want for the first time to do something that really benefits me. My dream was always to study economics and be far from my family and people I'm getting abused.I can't manage a thing.So this is why I want your help. I want to believe that there is still some good in this world.


Im a girl 18 years old that I'm trying to achieve my dreams that are getting a home away from my family and studying

Im a girl 18 years old that I'm trying to achieve my dreams that are getting a home away from my family and studying

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