Help me stand up on my feet until I find a job

Fundraising campaign by Abdulrahman Almalki
  • US$0.00
    raised of $1,000.00 goal goal
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Hello, my name is Abdulrahman, I haven't been able to find a job for the past 8 months or so, I am at a point where I lost most of what I saved, and it's getting really terrifying thinking about not having any food around or paying rent.

This year has been tough for a lot of people, and I can't help but feel bad for all of us, but I tried to ask people around for help and sadly a lot of people can't really help because of the hardships everyone is going through. Any help would be appreciated. Dec 20th is when I get to leave my place if I can't pay the rent, and I honestly don't know what to do. the rent is around $400, and I am asking for $1000 so I can at least pay for 2 months and get some food as well.

Hopefully 2 months is enough to find a job, I have been applying for jobs almost everyday, but as we all know, it's really hard to get hired these days, and I am really hopeful the hardships are starting to loosen up and hopefully someone hires me.

I have no words to express how grateful I am for any help I can get. And I am really sorry for this long description, I just wanted to be clear about everything.

Best regards.

Abdulrahman Almalki


  • Abdulrahman Almalki
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,000.00 goal
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