Help me save my student

Fundraising campaign by MOHD FARHAN Adnan
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I've always hated how the world is unfair to good people. Some say that its just how the world is working towards making a stronger person, and so i sat there with my thumbs tucked. But then i realized, i hated something more. My powerlessness. I am seeing a perfectly good kid drowning from things beyond her grasp, for reasons she yet have the ability to fully understand. And when she was at her lowest, all she asked from me was a life line enough for her to breathe. Not a pity request, but a helping hand... And that killed me. I am also just a poor teacher living off minimum wage. So i did my best, found her a scholarship, but things kept piling up on her. From runaway father's debt, to opportunistic neighbor trying to force them out of their own home, and snake of an aunt who ferried Sue to her University just so she could force the poor lass to pay up the car's police summons. Please, i know there are kind people here. You can help me. I don't know what to do but to beg for this child's future. She is a smart student, but i fear that she won't last much longer. Please. Any help you can find to my way will be used for a good way.


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