Fundraising campaign by Francis Bang
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There is that one pet who is more than a family, than a pet; to me that is Pia.

Hi, I am Francis and I currently live in the Philippines. Honestly, I won't be making a GoFund me page would it not have been for our dog Pia. Pia is our lovely German Shepherd. She has been with us for almost two years now and has always been the most loving and caring dog.

Recently however, Pia has been getting these false pregnancies and been spewing up some blood. And at one point she was just laying there lifeless on the ground and we had to rush her to the vet. The vet told us that Pia was suffering from excessive fluctuations of hormones due some bacteria. Hence, since then, Pia was getting medications through hormonal shots and pills.

I was able to pay off all of these, however Pia still needs to continue her medication.

I am asking from your generous hearts to please donate for Pia's cause. It was usually me who have been paying for Pia's medication as my family does not believe that one should really pay much for a DOG's needs. But to me, Pia is my FAMILY. She and I have been together, and she has taken care of me, more than I have taken care of her. I am about to go off to college and so I can no longer work and won't have enough to buy Pia's medication and other needs. My parents have vehemently told me that they will not be paying expensive medication for a dog.

Please help me save Pia by donating any amount. All the proceeds will be for her continued medication, and vet expenses in the future. Thank you everyone!


  • Francis Bang
  • Campaign Owner

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