Help me quit my software development job and develop a full-featured home surveillance appliance

Fundraising campaign by George Mandache
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I'm a software developer professionally and I also do penetration testing and digital electronics on the side among other things.

For the past few years I've kept on thinking about developing a full-featured home surveillance system that is just one device that you can just plug in, power on and start securing your home.

What stopped me from developing it?

That's easy: my job.

Gotta pay the rent, the bills, need food, some fun here and there during the weekends and all of that kind of stuff.

Why I really want to develop this appliance?

First of all I'm bored of doing redundant work.

Most clients/companies require the same basic stuff. From basic APIs for online stores to advanced media manipulation implementations, most of the work done follows the same steps, the same languages and the same purpose in general.

Working on something that you can actually see and feel is a treat for me. Plus, I'm a control freak and I love to know what's going on inside my apartment when I'm away. And another plus, this appliance can help you, your neighbor, your whole region.

Key features of the smart home surveillance system

- It's only one device doing all the work

- It's aware of any other appliances installed nearby

- It monitors and keeps a history of: physical activity, temperature, humidity, luminosity, noise levels, WiFi-connected devices, radio signal abnormalities.

- On certain triggers it: calls the fire station/police station, sends SMS and email to you about the trigger, warns nearby appliances, listens to nearby appliances and triggers custom events.

If this campaign goes successful I'll immediately quit my job and developing this appliance will become my full-time job :) Who knows? Maybe it'll one day be part of your home/office.


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raised of €70,000.00 goal
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