help me pay for my dog’s Hypothyroidism medical bills

  • US$5.00
    raised of $260.00 goal goal
1% Funded
1 Donors

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(sorry for the awful grammar in advance) hey guys hi I'm in need of desperate help. my dog, the only living thing I value more than my own life has fallen seriously ill. Now I have already anticipated this since she's a Distemper survivor and surviving that fatal disease means living the rest of her remaining years in recurring symptoms and additional diseases since she's susceptible to almost any disease out there because of the permanent damage distemper has done to her immune system. she has been suffering from an awful lot of autoimmune diseases that has bled me dry (p.s. I'm not complaining at all) for the last 14 months. one after another. it's devastating. you "cure" her from one and another one comes attacking her after a week or two.

now her immune system's in a wreck. she has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. she barely eats but she's gained a lot of weight. she wouldnt even touch her favorite chicken breast or her peanut butter. all she does is drink excessive amounts of water. her fur and her skin are both dry and scaly and tears easily. she's not in a mood for practically anything. not even walking.

please. PLEASE. it's heartbreaking. and I'm desperate.

I just got laid off from my job months ago and in this country, trips to the vet is considered a luxury and only a "rich people thing" ugh God. my parents wouldnt lend me money coz "it's just a dog" "you should just give up you've already done everything for more than a year".

even 200 USD is more than enough, gogetfunding just said I need to enter 250 or more,sorry. I just need to buy a bottle of 4Life Transfer Factor. if we're from the same country and you could send me a bottle, that's cool too. the rest is for a vet trip which I couldnt afford for her multiple tests so I could properly treat her. some vets I've been to have already advised me to just euthanize her but no, I refused and I've managed to "extend" her years. please help me, guys.

my mom has agreed to let me use her paypal for I only have a prepaid credit card


  • Charmaine Rolle
  • Campaign Owner


  • Jane
  • Donated on Jan 24, 2016
  • Bless you


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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Jane
  • Donated on Jan 24, 2016
  • Bless you



karly page
Cristina Curran
raised of $260.00 goal
1% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities