Help me heal my younger brother’s broken leg

Fundraising campaign by sk santho
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hello sir/madam

my name is santho. I have a little brother. actually we are 2 brother . and i am the big son on my family. my father is a worker. he earn a little bit money in a day. we can't eat good food because of our poorness .

i don't get any Opportunity for studding because of our and my father work together.

we are poor ,but we have a dream ,that my brother will be a Educated person. my father or me never tell him to do any work. he is now high-school student.

before 5 days ago , my brother left leg was Broken. He went to take a bath in the pond and slipped and fell. And his leg is broken. now he is in home and normal . but doctor told that he need some medicine. but we don't have enough money to buy the medicine , so if anyone help me for my brother . it will be very helpful for my brother and my family.

thank you so much.

Note: i Always listen that ,real poor never get help.


  • sk santho
  • Campaign Owner

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