Help me get to collage/university

Fundraising campaign by Austin Dennis
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    raised of AU$5,000.00 goal goal
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I've worked really hard over the last 2 year to complete high school and get a high enough score to get into the college/university I wanted too, and all that hard work has paid off because I did it, I got in!! But I just don't have the funding to get there. I live in Dunsborough, a small town in Western Australia and the university I got into is in Perth, the capitol of WA. So its a big move up to the big smoke for a kid from a small country town, and its going to cost a lot so this where you come in. I've been working 2 jobs to get enough money but it just not enough, I just need that bit more so I'll actually be able to survive up there, I would ask my family but we just don't have enough money as it is and I wouldn't want to make it harder for them. It's always been my dream to be a zoologist and wildlife biologist and with your help my dreams can become a reality, even if you could donate a $1 it would mean the world to me. Thank you.


  • Austin Dennis
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of AU$5,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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