Help me get my 1st Computer

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Hello Everyone!

I've always dreamed on buying myself a computer . been saving for it whole my life from my allowance given by my parents .I'm from a low class family so we don't have that extra money to buy a computer . and now after i graduated high-school. i stop continuing my education to work and save money for the college tuition so all that money that i saved will go to my tuition because education comes 1st right? . I want to take BSCE or computer engineering . but i can't take the course if i don't have my own PC . it'll be hard practicing programming,making assignments,projects,studying late at night at computer cafes.

So here I am, asking you nicely to please help me buy a computer. help me graduate college. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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raised of ₱20,000.00 goal
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