Help Me Get Debt Free In Life

Fundraising campaign by Dennis Kipkurui
  • US$0.00
    raised of $1,520.00 goal goal
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Dear Friends,

We know hard financial times can happen to anyone, and a fundraiser campaign with m-changa can help with my debt relief.

I'm struggling financially and I feel like drowning in debt.

I would like to raise over 155,877.18 to overcome financial hardships.

I am here trying to raise some money to help pay off debt that I owe. In 2014 I took out a personal loan with Youth Enterprise Developement Fund for business start up but the business failed.

On efforts to reduce payment and meet ends meet.I have also applied other small loans from mobile applications such as Branch, M-shwari and others. I am in debt to pay them back I am financially strapped I don't have the money to give either of them right away , the loans are under collections agencies.

I cant put up any business and am subjected to deductions on salary, it makes it hard to survive.

I understand you might read this and laugh and say get a job,

I am employed right now and work has very low pay.I do not want to have to go to owe money to people than I have now, I understand it's my duty to pay what I owe to the institution and other individial debts but any little bit helps.

I've tried getting loans but unable due to CRB listing.

I'm in a pit hole and the way out is by asking for help, anyting can help. thank you

Your support will highly be appreciated.


  • Dennis Kipkurui
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,520.00 goal
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