Help me get an Apple Vision Pro to test & review

Fundraising campaign by Blaze Eguchi
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I’m a small YouTube Reviewer “Blazin Reviews” who’d like to be able to get an Apple Vision Pro when it’s available to test and review on my YouTube channel.

Unlike many other YouTubers sponsored by Apple who will get the Vision Pro for free from Apple and just give you one raving review about how “great it is” so they can continue getting free products from Apple…

I’ll give it a perfectly honest review with all the good & the bad. Not only that, but I’ll make several videos going over all details and uses. Including set up, ease of use, applications, video & audio quality for movies and recordings and of course 3D quality for movies.

If you donate and help me get one I’ll do my best to give a great detailed review and answer any questions anyone has

Everyone who donates can get their username or real name listed at the end of all my review videos as a channel supporter “if they like”


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