Help me fight my bad luck

Fundraising campaign by iris orange
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After 6 years of wasting away, working shitty jobs, fighting borderline and being unhappy, this whole summer I studies real hard to pass exams to go back to school. And I passed!

Last week I attended my first week of college. Which was frightning, but real fun.

Only two days before my first day of school, I tripped and dropped my laptop. My old dinosour, who never caused any problems, is ruined!

The screen is cracked and something with the hard drive that I didn't realy understood.

Fixing it will cost me the same as buying a new one.

But, I can barely pay my rent and study books and can never afford a new laptop. Not having one will cause me problems at school.

I am hoping to reach a few people who can spare a few dollars to help me buy a new laptop. And finish my school work proper. And pursue my dreams. And be happy.

You will get my eternal love and my promise that I will keep doing the voluntary work that I do now, if not for my whole life, at least during college. To pass the love forward.

Kind regards,



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