Help me continue my dream….

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Hi! I’m Lorraine Santiago who always dreamt of putting up my own cafe. Last December 2017, it finally came true! 6 months passed by and I can now see that the business is now struggling due to high monthly rent, inflation happening in the Philippines and other unexpected challenges. I’m only 24 and I believe that my age would not affect on how & when should I reach my dream. I’m knocking on your kind hearts if you could help me continue my dream cafe. I love my employees because I can see how this cafe helped their own families. For over the past 6 months, a lot of memories happened in our cafe and it would be great if our cafe will still continue to build great moments.

Thank you in advance for taking your time to read this and may God always bless your kind heart.


Lorraine Santiago


  • Lorraine Santiago
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱300,000.00 goal
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