Help me archive my dream

Fundraising campaign by RAZI OLEK
  • US$0.00
    raised of $300.00 goal goal
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This fundraising is to help/aid me in getting additional costs to attend Bodybuilding Judging Course which will be held on 24th August 2022 (already registered) due to the association didn't provide any sponsorship for this course. I thought at first that the association will provide some funding for this but at the last minute, they say that the association didn't have a budget to spare.

This is one of the most anticipated courses of mine I wish to attend (there are others too) which I want to attend even before the Covid19 struck in 2019 and now I am afraid I don't have enough budget when I attend it due to our country goods price suddenly rise up which also give a huge impact for me to adjust my monthly spending. I just need couples hundreds more to cover up those that I already have.

Bodybuilding sport has been my passion for years now and education is an essential part of it for our society today to archive their dream, I also cannot stay too far behind the others.

Help me realized my dream & wish me luck!


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raised of $300.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities