Help make a Love story continue!

Fundraising campaign by Carlos Santil
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    raised of $1,040.00 goal goal
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Hi! My name is Carlos i'm from Venezuela, actually I’m living in Buenos Aires, Argentina i’m here studying, as you probably hear, anywhere, my country is going through a really bad situation so i have to move to continue my education and find a better life, however, ironically i left my life back in Venezuela at the same time, my girlfriend, Romina i met her one and a half year ago, she's the prettiest girl i ever meet we have a really good relationship, we're still together, but she's still in Venezuela, now i’m studying and working, but i don’t earn enough money to bring her with me, despite of our situation, we love each other every day more than the day before, so we keep a distance relationship by now, however is not easy, but the way we feel even being separated by distance make us feel a little bit closer.

Our story begins in Maturin, Venezuela, a city in the east our country, where we were raised, we meet by one of my closest friends, we were just talking and walking around, and i saw her, the most beautiful girl i have ever seen, I just couldn't hide the bright in my eyes when i look at her smile, she say hi to my friend and he introduce us and invite her to join us, she came and then my life just change from that day. I meet i girl with a beautiful heart, and a sweet smile, she just make every day count to me as a day of life, we spent one and a half-year together after we meet each other, in that time everything just get worse and worse in our beautiful country, food disappeared, no medicines, my university stop all the activities, because of students protests, we see in front of our eyes how the beautiful place we grew up, where we spent our childhood, just fall apart socially and economically, then I had the opportunity to emigrate, my dad with a lot of work tell me that he would help me to going out Venezuela and find a better future for me, my destiny? Argentina, a great country filled with good and kind people, I make then one of the hardest choices i ever have to take in my life, emigrate, build a better future, and left the girl who I love, or stay but with no future in my country. I decided to emigrate, cause i know,doing that sooner or later i would be able to help me and my girlfriend build a better way to both of us, i explained to her, she just fell apart when i gave her the news, our hearts just get broken, but she understand and gave me all the support i needed, now im here im studying and working but as I said it will take a long time to bring her with me in my current situation, as a student i can't get a full-time job, so i just can't make enough money to buy the flight from Venezuela to Argentina for her.

I'm now asking for your help and kindness, to help this love story keep alive.

Have you ever love someone so much, that all your life just take a better and beautiful sense now? Have you ever gave your heart to someone without expecting anything in return? If you do, congratulations you're a blessed person, you just experiment one of the most beautiful feelings that this life allows us to have, pure and sincerely love. That's what she means to me every day of my life since i meet her. If you want to help us, we will be grateful to you and every one with the kindness to do this for two people love each other. If you can't thanks for your time and you can help us by sharing this. Thank you. You just make love happen!

We both already check the cost of the flights, a direct flight from Venezuela to Argentina cost 1600$ however, by taking a flight first from Venezuela to Brazil (Manaus) and then to Argentina it cost less approximately 1040$, that's our goal. Again thank you for your support!


We will be grateful with you all our lives, we will include you in a special thank video we will make when we get together, plus we will tell our children you help to bring him/her to the world!

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  • Carlos Santil
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $1,040.00 goal
0% Funded
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