HELP Lester | Costa Rica

Fundraising campaign by Zina Oster
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WE NEED YOUR HELP! Lester Antonio López Acuña was diagnosed with Wilson's Disease 8 months ago and in just a short time this is what he looked like yesterday. We heard about this situation just a few of days ago and went to visit the family yesterday so we could see how we could help. The family lives in a remote place in the jungle called El Negro Costa Rica, in a shed covered with plastic from the rain.

Lester has been getting treatment from the local government doctors but the doctors are saying there is not much they can do for him due to the limited resources they have. Lester was selling bread on the streets that his mom made to help support the family. This is what he looks like right now with his body twisted backward with nothing but skin and bones.

Maybe there is nothing more that can be done but in our research, many people live a long life with this illness. Maybe Lester can too?

Lester's mom doña Damaris is a great lady and is taking good care of him with what she knows and the resources she has. Lester may never fully recover from this but if the family gets proper resources, training and education on how to care for someone in this condition, it will dramatically improve the situation for Lester. Please contact us if you know whom we can reach out to for help and information.


  • Zina Oster
  • Campaign Owner

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