Help Labours(one of them is Cancer Patient) to feed their Families in this Critical time(Covid-19)

Fundraising campaign by Muhammad Zaman
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Food For Labours And Their Families from Pakistan (Covid-19)

We are trying to help the Poor and hard working people in our villages who was the on daily wages and don't have jobs due to covid-19 lockdown.

One of the Patient has the cancer from last few years and he is in very bad condition now a days, he even don't have any money to buy food and necessity for his 3 children and wife and not even able to manage his regular medicine.

One of them has bank loan, and he is even not able to pay anything he has to pay almost 1500$ till the mid of May.

We are doing our best for all of those, but we need help from you guys as together we can support the cancer patient as well the other 9 families to live in this difficult time.

Please do your best and i am sure GOD will give you the regard against it.


  • Muhammad Zaman
  • Campaign Owner

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