Help Kick Start Angelo’s Print Avenue: Bringing Innovation in Prints

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My husband and I embarked on this business journey in November 2022, during a challenging time when he lost his job and I, as a virtual assistant, lost my clients. With limited options, we started selling car stickers to make ends meet. From humble beginnings of just 13 orders, we've now processed over 5,530 orders of various printed items through our E-commerce Site. Despite our growth, our dream to expand is hindered by financial constraints. With three children to support here in the Philippines, our revenue solely covers our basic expenses, leaving us unable to save for the larger printers we need to scale our operations. To make our dream a reality, we need to raise 160,000 pesos. Currently, we have only 10,000 pesos saved for our business. Hence, we've decided to set up this GoFundMe page in hopes of securing the necessary funds to propel our business forward and provide a better future for our family. Your support means the world to us and will bring us one step closer to achieving our goals. Thank you for considering being a part of our journey.


  • Czarina Angelina Fabi

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