Help for my father’s Slip Disc Operation

  • ₱3,000.00
    raised of ₱900,000.00 goal goal
0% Funded
1 Donors

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Vicente is a 91-year old senior citizen and a resident of Quezon City. At his age, he still very sharp and can still walk with the help of his cane and walker.

He was diagnosed with Stage 2 Prostate Cancer five years ago. Since there is no treatment for cancer, he is given a hormone injection every quarter to delay the growth and spread of this cancer. The hormone injection costs around Php 16,000. If we are lucky, we are able to get medical assistance from varius politicians.

On September 11, 2023, he was rushed to the emergency room due to pain at the right hip and lower back. He was given pain medicines and was advised to go home. Hoping that the pain will eventually go away. On September 12, 2023, he was once again rushed to the hospital as the pain has been persistent. He was given a stronger pain medicines but unfortunately, it did not work

On September 15, 2023, we had to do a virtual consultation with an Orthopedic Surgeon and we are advised to have him admitted to the hospital to zero in where the pain where it is coming from. An overnight stay in the hospital consisted of a series of tests and imaging procedures. On September 16, 2023, the Orthopedic Surgeon found out that he already have a severe slip disc that is already affecting his nerve which caused his legs to be less sensitive and difficulty in the bowel movement.

The Orthopedic Surgeon suggested for an immediate slip disc operation as his case is already severe that he can be paralyzed. Even though he is willing to undergo operation, the cost of the procedure is Php 900K.

Our family could not afford the said amount as we are literally living in a hand to mouth existence as we to take care of our mother who is bedridden, with a tracheostomy hooked to a mechanical ventilator

We are knocking in your kind hearts to help raise the fund we need for his operation, provide him with good quality of life while spending his remaining time with us.

Your financial help big or small will come a long way.

Ditas L. Guzman

Ditas Lising Guzman
[email protected]

Ditas Guzman



  • Mike
  • Donated on Oct 14, 2023
  • Stay strong Chinky 🙏


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Donors & Comments

1 donors
  • Mike
  • Donated on Oct 14, 2023
  • Stay strong Chinky 🙏



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raised of ₱900,000.00 goal
0% Funded
1 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities