Help for Jeris Odnimer

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I need to make a plea on behalf of Jeris Odnimer. Jeris is my brother, Joseph's, girlfriend for 7 years. Jeris is only 42 years old with 2 young sons, 17 and 13. Jeris was diagnosed with cervical cancer 2 years ago. Our parents took care of her treatment expenses since her family was not able. Jeris had a liver infection in February and was in the hospital for a month. My brother took care of her hospital bill with help from PCSO and Phil Health. Jeris was then referred to a liver specialist in a charity hospital where she was supposed to have a procedure. When the doctor saw her, without any tests done, informed Jeris' mother that there was nothing they can do for her and gave Jeris a few days to live (April 19.) Upon her discharge, Jeris was prescribed Naproxen and Sinecod for her "cough." My Oncologist batch mate saw her and has been treating her. Jeris had pneumonia that's why she was coughing. It has been treated but now Jeris has a new infection. Jeris was supposed to be discharged today (May 9.) My brother takes care of Jeris 24/7 even though Jeris' mother is there. It is Jeris' request. It is our hope to keep her comfortable and pain-free. Jeris will need constant care, continuous hospitalization and medications. It is our hope that she will be taken cared of and be pain-free as she fights the cancer that has now spread to her bones.


  • Joanne Marie Lopez
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱350,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities