Help fight plastic pollution and employee housewifes

Fundraising campaign by Naina Jain
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I am Naina, a communication designer and an Educator. I have been working in the field of design and social awareness, environment conservation and employment with the governemnt as well as various organisations.

We recently ran a programme and demanded single use plastic to be banned in Dehradun, leading to which we now have many shopkeepers, local vegetable sellers, milk sellers and grocery stores left with only cloth and paper bags as alternatives. We ran a pilot where we encouraged 10 domestic helps and women who cannot leave homes due to their responsibilities toward family to engage in producing nearly 500 cloth bags. This way we not only helped the women to produce income sitting at home but also helped local vendors to switch to non plastic bags.

We are now looking at engaging 1000 women from the rural areas and city to engage and make 1,00,000 bags in total that will be given to the local vendors and will be circulated in market.

We need funds for the raw materials, distribution network and spreading awareness by making posters, movies and conducting workshops about plastic and its effects on earth and us. If we do not act quickly on this we will run out of drinking water in the next 2 years.


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  • Naina Jain
  • Campaign Owner

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