Help feed Suffering Children

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Dear Sir/Madam,

It is my sincere hope that this letter finds you well. My name is Gary Duncanson and I am highly committed to helping the less fortunate in society. As you well know, the global COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented effects on the lives of people around the world. Millions of people around the world are struggling to sustain their livelihoods. It is during tough times like these that we should stand together and uplift one another. It is for this reason, therefore, that I started the Aspiring Hope Movement organization to help those in need.

The loss of jobs has caused a lot of agony for many families. People are struggling to afford at least three meals every day. Millions of children cannot make sense of what is going on. To make it worse, parents are hopeless and frustrated about the tough economic times because they are powerless. A lot of them are only relying on the government to provide them with reliefs that cushion them against the effects of the pandemic. Also, millions of jobs have been lost since the crisis started. The number of street families has significantly risen because a majority of people cannot afford their housing right now.

I want to donate to the people who have been hit hard by the crisis, but I need your help to do so. I firmly believe that our success is not measured by the amount of wealth we accumulate, but by the impact that we have on the lives of other people. Children are suffering around the world , and it is our moral responsibility to come to their help especially if we are in a position to do that. I am appealing to you to send your donations to me so that we can reduce their burden through various initiatives.

The donations will be used to buy food and other essential products for various struggling families. It will also be used to buy clothing for street families and also ensuring that the sick get access to healthcare services. Besides, some of the donations will be distributed to people who were laid off as a result of the pandemic. The money donated to them will enable them to cater to their bills and buy some food that will last them for some time.

I desire to help people who need help. I have a great passion for promoting the welfare of other people. I am deeply saddened by the devastation that COVID-19 is causing people around the world. I wish that I could be in a position to come up with a solution to the virus. I am dedicated to taking on the role of providing to the people I can. I am confident that your donation will go a long way to helping me achieve this mission.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am available to discuss this further at a time that is convenient for you.


Name: Gary Du

Email:[email protected]

Phone Number:1-242-565-0848


  • Gary Duncanson
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Gary Duncanson
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