Help Build 3rd World Taekwondo Athletes Gym

Fundraising campaign by Bianca Antonio
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M.O.D Taekwondo Elite Philippines has been training low-income Taekwondo athletes since 1988. It is run by a family of black belters who were also scholar athletes. The team's aim is to help these young athletes achieve their goals so eventually, they can apply for a college scholarship through Taekwondo varsity.

The gym was never luxurious nor fanciful because they have been training athletes for a tuition fee of no more than $30 USD (Php 1,500) per month. Some athletes cannot even afford to pay this amount, so they pay it in increments.

As much as the gym would like to provide better facilities for the students, they cannot do so because they are trying to maintain an affordable rate for young people who want to become athletes.

Just this year, the original headquarter's lease was no longer renewed and they had to move the gym to a different location, to a vacant lot by a small piggery and poultry farm.

Currently, the gym is in need of exhaust fans, electric fans, mats, new gears and equipment. As you can see in the photos, the athletes train barefoot on cement. Some parts with mats, some without. The gym is not air conditioned and they train in the 36-40 degrees Philippine summer heat.

Despite all these not so comfortable environment, the athletes still continued to TRAIN and WIN competitions all over the Philippines.

PLEASE HELP SUPPORT THE M.O.D TAEKWONDO TEAM and help young athletes achieve their dreams!

For those who would like to donate from the Philippines and have no access to PayPal, the gym is also accepting cash deposits. Contact M.O.D Taekwondo Elite at 09169743707 for details.


  • Bianca Antonio
  • Campaign Owner

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