Help Artist with Chronic Illness to buy laptop for work to support theraphy

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Hello. Im a young Artist currently suffering from Chronic problems caused by Myofascial Pain on my whole back and neck, Scoliosis, Shoulder Problems (Left arm and hand numbness.

I quit my Job that I love last february 2021. Because of the pain and problems that i got and only found out since i started working. I used to be a very ambitious and dedicated Graphic Artist and Designer but all went downhill because of my case. Even my dreams to become a successful artist. and work abroad.

Ive gone to multiple doctors and therapy to treat my MPS but it still wont go away. Everyday Im in pain. I want to stop taking meds because it might cause another problems. Im really tired of this pain.

To get it straight. Im Deeply Asking for your help and consideration to help me buy a laptop. even a low end one is enough so I can find a remote job and help myself with medical bills. ive used all my savings on therapy. That Laptop is enough to change the course of my life and get back to path of my dreams. I promise to give back and assure you that this laptop will put into great use.

My online portfolio:


  • John Michael Manalastas

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