help animals in Lombok with LOPS

Fundraising campaign by Winatha Kusuma
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Hello good friends,

introduce me Winatha Kusuma, I am a veterinarian on Lombok island , Indonesia. I need the help of my friends to raise funds to be given to the non-profit Lombok Pawsible Society (LOPS)

Lombok Pawsible Society (LOPS) is a non-profit organization with a vision and mission to realize animal welfare through the practice of the values of Animals Welfare and Five Freedom animals.

with the following work programs,

Sterilization program with the main target of wild animals without owners with the aim and benefits to control the population of animals and fight over populations of wild animals in our environment, prevent animals from venereal disease, make animals more docile. In the initial program we targeted 200 wild animals in a period of 3 months

Steet feeding program with the main target of wild animals without owners affected by the covid-19 pandemic with the aim and benefits to free animals from hunger and thirst and avoid animals polluting the environment because they are forced to find food in places that should not be. In the initial program we targeted 200 wild animals in a period of 3 months

Educational program with the main target of the general public and school students, which aims to increase empathy and awareness of love for animals, and to avoid the need to neglect animals and throw animals on the market. In the initial program we targeted 10 villages and 10 schools on the island of Lombok within a period of 3 months

Rescue & Rehabilitation Program with the main target of stray dogs with conditions requiring medical help and we will work with veterinarians to help animals. We will take care of the animals until they are ready to find parents and their new home / adopter. In the initial program we targeted a shelter with a capacity of 70 animals,

these programs will be carried out from August 2020 and will certainly require a lot of costs including the purchase of medical equipment, medicines, preparation of teaching aids for education, purchasing feed for 200 wild animals every day, making shelter cages with a capacity of 70 animal tails and operational costs of care and fees for veterinarians and staff who have worked.

please donate, because your donation really helps Lombok Pawsible Society to maintain the survival of wild animals on the island of Lombok

info can be via instagram: @lombokpawsible


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