Help a Retired Soldier Diagnosed with Parkinson’s and Dementia

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In October 2022, our father BGen Emmanuel S Cayton (RET), PA was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and dementia. After 8 months in June 2023, he was in a comatose for almost two weeks and was confined in the ICU of St. Luke’s BGC for a week. During this time we wrote several posts about his condition on social media and made a call for financial help. We were so blessed and overwhelmed to have been able to collect enough funds so he can be accommodated in the ICU and eventually in a regular room in St. Luke’s BGC. After two weeks, he was in a stable condition and was transferred to Veterans’ Memorial Medical Center in Quezon City. He has been in VMMC for 4 months now and we need more help to cover expenses to pay his private nurses and medicines. My mom is also sick, she is a breast cancer survivor in remission since 1994, but last year she started getting treatments again.

I am knocking on your hearts to please help me support my parents.


  • Genevieve De Jesus

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