Help a Health Worker build a PC

Fundraising campaign by Lou Joseph Mapue
  • ₱0.00
    raised of ₱50,000.00 goal goal
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Good day! I am a doctor currently working on the front lines against the COVID pandemic as an ER physician, as well managing surgical patients in the OR and in the wards.

It is a privilege to serve the community in this time of unease, and I am proud of my profession. These days, I go to work on 48 hour shifts to cater to the medical needs of the community. It can be a very tiring and demanding job, but we are not paid as well as others might think we are.

I have always been a gamer, and it is the best and most convenient past time for me since I get out of work late in the evening, and going home to enjoy my video games is the best possible stress reliever for me. However, I had to put my pc building dreams on hold because I had to use up my savings for personal protective equipment and to make economic adjustments including investing on essential lockdown supplies.

Needless to say, the remaining finances I have right now are not enough to build a pc, but I am glad that I have invested money for myself and my family's safety. I am not regretful, but it would be nice to have my own personal computer one day. With your donations, you will help my dream become reality.

To all the gamers out there, maybe you can help a brother out 🙂.


  • Lou Joseph Mapue
  • Campaign Owner


No updates for this campaign just yet


Raissa Colon
raised of ₱50,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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