Funds for Brain Lesion Treatment

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Hello, I have been suffering for more than 7 years, and I'm 17 years old, and fighting this rapid mental deterioration without any medication, problem is I don't have enough money for the medical expenses I need for the tests, treatments that I'm going to undergo. The donations you will give me might be able to save my life. Really thank you for the donations.

During my childhood I was always bullied, I had terrible traumatic childhood memories. I had but only one thing - which is my talent, that kept me keep pushing forward during my darkest years of my life. I'm suffering from major depression because of all the things I've went through since I was five years old. No one was supporting me emotionally and grew up fighting by myself alone. Because of all I went through, I acquired a lot of disease including a heart disease, and now brain lesion. I already acknowledge, I can't return to my childhood, I can't return to the past, I lost everything, I don't have anything anymore. Because of the brain lesion I lost my talent, rapidly deteriorating my talent, and other mental abilities like memorization, comprehension, perception, everything. Please I want to know if there is at least a single person on this world that will support my recovery... I want at least my talent back and I'll accept living alone, dying alone.


  • Kyle Martin
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱15,000.00 goal
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