Funding for a highway emergency clinic

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    raised of $100,000.00 goal goal
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This campaign is designed to help the launch and roll out of a project to build a 24 hour highway clinic. The problem of highway accidents has been a growing problem in Zimbabwe and having the right access to immediate assistance is tricky. Normally it would take an ambulance and paramedics coming from the nearest hospital which could be more than 60km away. So by having this roadside clinic it would help provide a solution. Currently we have land on the highway which is (on the road from Harare to Gweru) roughly 12km outside of the town of Gweru. So all that we need funding for is the building structure and equipment to get the place up an running.


  • Tatenda Watungwa
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $100,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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