Fund for a Second Hand Laptop

Fundraising campaign by Dranreb Rodriguez
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I am a former call center agent who lost a job due to this pandemic we are having right now. The company who hired me last February gave me a contract which I supposed to start a new project dated March 23. When the lock down started, they called me saying that they are cancelling the contract since the client from America will no longer pursue it. This made me jobless for 2 months now and finding ways to support my family is quite difficult. For me to start over again and to support the growing needs of my family, I need to land a good job again from any BPO that offers a Work From Home program. For me to do this, I need to have at least a good second hand laptop or a desktop that is fit for a work from home project of a call center. Although there were BPO's that could provide their equipment, it seems that they prioritize people who already have their own equipment as I tried applying to them many times. I will not ask much more than enough. I just want to have it to have an opportunity to feed my family. Thank you so much and may God bless you for your generosity.




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