Free LGBTQ+ Youth in Uganda

Fundraising campaign by Nsubuga Bremah
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Help me complete my police bond period with charges of homosexuality and I also relocate to a safer place because I was attacked in my recent place in Kampala,Salaama road and beaten after I was arrested with accusations of being gay but by the help of Human Rights And Promotion Form (HRAPF) and Foaster Foundation For Healthcare Uganda where I work currently I managed to get out of prison on a police bond and am to be reporting to police after every week but currently am out of funds to police and am not safe at my current place so I would request for your help to help me complete my police bond and also relocate to a safer place

Thank you

Nsubuga Bremah


Nsubuga Bremah is a Queer person working with the LGBTQ community in Uganda to improve their lives socially, economically and politically through NGOs

Nsubuga Bremah is a Queer person working with the LGBTQ community in Uganda to improve their lives socially, economically and politically through NGOs

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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $10.00
Total: $10.00

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