Oct 02, 2021 at 12:47 am

Segunda intervencion / Second surgery

Update posted by Ana Sofia Bravo


El doctor dice que muestra buena recuperacion pese a todo. Le removieron un pedacito de piel que estaba necrotico y le pusieron la cobertura de plastico en toda su espalda porque sigue habiendo alrededor de 7cm de espalda que hay que cerrar.

Se ve que progresa bastante bien, el siguiente martes tiene otra intervencion para revisar el estado de su infeccion y si no progresa con tejido necrotico, se puede pensar en cerrar.


The doctor says she shows very good recovery signs even though her wound was very infected and serious. She had a bit of necrotic tissue removed and they wrapped her back once again in the special plastic. She still has around 7cm of open back that we have to progressively close.

She has another surgery next tuesday to evaluate the status and determine how to progress.

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