Nov 09, 2016 at 05:38 pm

A Huge Thank You!

Update posted by Shaun Joynt

Hi all,

So after 2 months of campaigning my target of $2000 was reached and an additional $819 was contributed!

This is a HUGE shoutout to everyone who made my trip possible. I am in the USA and the past 3 days have been a wonder-filled experience, especially in the light of the US presidential race that concluded yesterday (resulting in Donald Trump being elected the 45th POTUS).

I have seen where my sister lives and works and am excited about the 2 conferences that are taking place next week. Yes, you heard correct - I was blessed with the opportunity to attend an additional 3 day conference (ETS - Evangelical Theological Society). Following that one is the originally planned for 4 day AAR (American Academy of Religion) conference.

May you receive abundant blessings for sowing into my life/dream. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart!



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