For my mom who was diagnosed for stage 4 colon cancer

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    raised of ₱200,000.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: ₱444.00
Total: ₱444.00
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My mom has been diagnosed for stage 4 colon cancer and just had a major operation 4 days back. They have to remove 5 parts of her organ, appendix,ovaries, pelvic lymph node, rectosyroid, paritoneal fluid and was given for lab test. Yesterday, result came, and she is positive for stage 4 Colon cancer and have a two primary tumor which is rare. . My mom is 61 now and im not sure if chemo will work..last year, august youngest sister 17 years old was diagnosed for auto immune encephalitis,and her treatment still going on.sometimes i ask God why us, why rare decease, why them.. My mom is the strongest woman ive ever seen, she never loose hope when my youngest sister almost died in the hospital last year. Now, i dont know what to do,i dont know where to get this huge amount that is needed for their medication. Then one of my friend told me about go fund me, since she became a member and it helps them too for the medication of her son who was diagnosed for auto immune encephalitis.i have a Banco de oro account in the philippines Account number is 005180246246 swift code BNORPHMM.. Kindly help me to raise funds for them for the next medication, Maraming salamat po

Catherine rose lim plsprayformymomandsister.Anyamountwilldo. It would be a great help for us specially for my mom and youngest sister


  • Catherine rose Lim
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱200,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: ₱444.00
Total: ₱444.00

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