Fly Farming

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AgriProtein/ Fly-Farming is pioneering waste-to-nutrient recycling technology to up-cycle organic waste into high-protein animal feed using fly larvae. Tanzania has the third largest livestock population on the African continent comprising 25 million cattle, 98% of which are indigenous breeds, complemented by 16.7 million goats, 8 million sheep, 2.4 million pigs, and 36 million chickens. In 2017 cost of Animal feed had tripled from 2017, feed for poultry alone was 7,000 shillings (apx 3$) for a 50 kilo bag to 20,000 shillings (apx 20$).Fly farming is able to reduce the cost of Animal feed in the market as well as compost at a fraction of average feed with better nutrition and lower cost to run.

  1. The Latin name for the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) is Hermetia illucens.
  2. Unlike houseflies, BSFs avoid human habitations and are not considered pests.
  3. Unlike houseflies, adult BSFs do not have working mouthparts, so do not cycle between food sources and egg laying sites.
  4. This means they can’t bite and don’t spread disease.
  5. The BSF life cycle is short: 2 weeks as a larva, 2 weeks pupating and 4-5 days as an adult.
  6. The adult’s only role is to find a mate and lay eggs.
  7. After mating in mid-air, the female lays 500 eggs at a time which hatch after 3-4 days.
  8. In 18 days, 1g of eggs grows into 5.7kg of larvae.
  9. BSF larvae thrive in a wide range of organic matter.
  10. BSF larvae have been shown to fight disease-causing pathogens such as coli.


  • Meal- is a 55% protein, 100% sustainable natural organic animal feed
  • Oil -is a versatile, natural, omega-rich oil for use in feeds
  • Soil -is a high-quality compost for use in farming and horticulture


  • Gadiel Mhandagani
  • Campaign Owner

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