Financial Freedom

Fundraising campaign by Ciprian Pater
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1. I am tired of trying to earn money, yet to beg this is not funny

2. I am a true repenting sinner, I am afraid ill never be a winner

3. I am such struggling with cash, I lack funds more than a dash

4. I have brilliant ideas of success, but my will falls short with less

5. I am a kind and loving man, such traits are good, but have no fan

6. I have lived beyond my means, now I wish I could eat some beans

7. I share & give to others, now nothing I have, I beg of brothers

8. I set a target oh so great, I will go to heaven and find a gate

9. The future of my life is untold, you can aid me now to unfold

10. I am halfway through my life, nothing more can I do in strife

11. In Gods mighty hands I do believe, yet my shirt I will weave

12. A naive person I confess I am, but my grievance it is no scam

13. I am sad with emotions within, this is life & whatever has been

14. I have done many wrong things, yet one day Ill get my wings

15. I have bought a few toys, such as we hoped for as small boys

16. By geography I am constrained, like a prison I feel chained 

17. Played by me the music is not, but it sounds, power I bought

18. I live in the city without grace, Id rather be alone in space

19. My wrists hurt of pain, they carry things, and others gain

20. A modern slave I am today, taxes and fess I am forced to pay 

21. My shoes are broken, feet are weak, as so also I turn my cheek 

22. My reasons may seem cheap, yet I am emphatic to all as I weep

23. Nations will fight Nations, I will fight them on all relations

24. I regret many things forgotten, some acts have been rotten

25. Worthless it may be my own soul, yet for you this is no goal

26. Why do I feel so much stress, when in fact I heal and bless

27. I am usually to kind for my own good, as so misunderstood

28. Many promises I have made, most of them are going to fade

29. The burdens of my mind, make me slowly old and blind

30. When I do eat and drink, of other souls I tend to think

31. My fears are not yet fulfilled, sadly still many are killed

32. Shame I have for my own actions, guilt is in the attractions

33. For what is worth I cannot give, for as much as I can live

34. For a decade I made peace, now my anger needs to cease

35. I am loved by some, probably hated unknowingly by many

36. My dark conscious is clear, the fabric of life I can tear

37. Until the end I will stand and fight, my love to you I keep so tight

38. Angry sense I do prevail, in my suffering I am old an frail

39. A fat pig here and a fat pig there, I see sausages everywhere

40. What I do is all the same, for insanity is in my brain

41. Shallow graves await the dead, the views explode inside my head

42. Why is there doubt that I should ask, for my saviour is this his task?

43. I try my best to be strong, yet I have tried as such for too long

44. The wealthy sit upon their thrones, such chairs are made of bones

45. I dare to ask, begging of you, that you hear my plea this is true

46. Silence of words, I would endure, such for me your act is a cure

47. As a child I had it all, my parents did indeed for me stand tall

48. My share of mind journeys I have done, useful only some

49. I will do good to benefit many, this ill do if I get a penny

50. The greed of others I cannot take, their cash is only fake

51. Strong I am and power fills me, yet wrong I do and it kills me

52. Many live without a cause, such complexity, I make a pause

53. Naked as you I stress and press, I am cold no need to dress

54. Powers of many make me sick, ill make known & make it stick

55. Life is expensive this I know, a seed I will sow and see it grow 

56. Weapons of war they engage, with power ill throw them in cage 

57. Modernity is still and sad, severity of issues indeed make me mad

58. So I beg, to be honest & true, what else can I do were it not for you

59. Hidden by nature beautiful is this thing, and I don't mean the bling

60. A mystery is know in this verse, my home is unsafe in the universe

61. The man of sin is mere within, a path to glory the history has been 

62. The sorrows of many fills my void, “you are mere one” I have been told

63. What most for me are only strangers, yet for me you pose no dangers 

64. Gratitude towards you I might feel, as your kindness towards me is real

65. All these visions of my behaviour, now you see your doing me a favour.

66. In my life I have waited long, for a moment that will make me strong

67. What more should I tell, my sorrows are many, upon me like a spell

68. Be not because of me afraid, this unto you I promise I will not fade

69. In my mind I hear a voice, raging warfare I have no choice

70. Far and deep my will can grow, eternal sleep will start to flow

71. I live here in a northern town, and its here that I will get my crown

72. Aware of my needs you have now become, what you do is worrisome


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