Fundraising campaign by Pennie Chew
  • RM0.00
    raised of RM70,000.00 goal goal
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My name is Pennie, I live in Malaysia. I create this project to raise fund for my defamation case against a scammer who has cheated my friend who has diagnosed and died from colon cancer for RM200K. I shared my friend's story on Facebook to raise public awareness and hope there's no next victim, and that post was shared 7k+ times on Facebook.

Later on, I got sued by this scammer for defamation and asked me to pay him RM5million. The first time I successfully set aside the judgement because--
1. The mailing address is not my mailing address;
2. "someone" has forged my signature to sign on the post AR card;
3. On the date of receiving the so-called court documents and statement of claims, I was not in Malaysia.

So the judge allowed me to set aside, case retrial so I get the chance to defend myself in court. If I lost, I will need to pay the scammer RM5 million+ other costs as compensation.

Now I need total of RM120K for lawyer and legal fee. This scammer has cheated many people, his trick is to "help" patients especially those sick chickens to purchase insurance and assigned the policies to himself in order to get insurance compensation. A few victims also stood up to share their stories, but this scammer is very good at forging documents so even we have lodged the police reports for many times, still no actions taken by police. My friend has already passed away and his LAST WILL was to let the public know about his story and hopefully there's no next victim!

To me, this is NOT ONLY a fight for myself, for my friend who has passed away and also for other victims, BUT ALSO a fight for SOCIAL JUSTICE!

1.) 2020.09.10 Press conference--

2.) 2019.10.26 My facebook post in details how my friend being cheated by the scammer--

3.) 2020.08.08 My cancer friend who has passed away and his video about how he got scammed, and his last will--

Thank you for your time and I am grateful for every single help!


handmade toys/ costers by my friends

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  • Pennie Chew
  • Campaign Owner

No updates for this campaign just yet


Peng Leong Ang
raised of RM70,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities