Fibro Fashion Designer

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I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in April 2017. This illness is hard to manage. I am unable to do tasks that take too long. Some tasks are not that long but still causes me to have pain later on like cooking for 5 people or more. . I have to do things at a very easy going pace . I do not look sick as most people with my illness does not . I manage my illness with organic food , organic essential oil and as much healthy eating as I can. However those things cost a lot of money. Even doctor visits can be very expensive. I need to find a way to earn a living with this illness. Every few months I have new symptoms that last several months.

I need to earn and income with trying to do a business I can manage . I notice that I can do things the most at a period of 2 hours plus. If its more than that even if its not physical its mental, I will suffer so much with body pains later on .

Therefor, I decided to design clothes. Not in bulk but in unique single pieces that is also available for made to orders, not ready to wear. It still gives me stress but its done over an easy going time table .

So far I have designed and produced 3. However I need more funding as other details cost money and I am running out of funds. The finishing details of lace stitching, beading work later on promoting and photographing which I can do myself but I need to pay for mode of transportation . I also have several other materials that I wish to turn into beautiful clothing. All my resources are in the city I live. So far, I try to start with this.

Thank you


  • Anna Yasmin Mahmud
  • Campaign Owner

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