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Good Day Everyone,

I am Anecharcon Niez Licardo. I am a 26 year old mother of 4 young children. I live in Barangay Lupo, Province of Barili Cebu 6036.

Some of you may have seen my journey of the past 2.5 years where I lost my job due to covid closures and reached out for help with my family to help us get by. I am happy to say I was able to secure some work after 2 years of being unemployed and having to live relying heavily on the generosity of others. I am proud to say I am currently employed as a customer service representative at a company 3 hours away from my home. I had to travel away from home due to lack of opportunities there as I am the sole financial supporter to my 4 children, mom and younger sister.

Unfortunately as of yesterday I was forced to go on unpaid medical leave from an orthopedic doctor as I have been diagnosed with a "Bone Mass/Hypertrophic Ossification (see pictures below) which requires me to undergo surgery before it gets too big and will make me incapable of walking and greater reduction in ability to work.

As soon as possible I need to have an operation before I am not able to walk due to this situation which will impact my family further if I am unable to continue working. Insurance from my work will cover about half the cost of surgery which will be about $1600-2000 USD and I need to provide the other half upfront before I am able to proceed with the surgery.

Since I am not allowed to work until I recover I am once again in a situation which leaves me completely unable to support my family in any way. I am humbly asking for any financial help to feed my children, mom and sister (1 meal per day) and assistance to pay our basic bills of rent , electricity, water, the basics of life while I have surgery and recovery.

To compound the situation further I am also going to need to take medications post surgery to ensure I don’t get infection etc., and my work insurance does not cover the cost of the medicine

I am eternally grateful for any amount of support I can receive. I had hoped with finally getting work I would no longer have to reach out for help but that is not the case. Thank you for your kindness and support through gogetfunding or paypal account ,


Thank you for reading my journey and for considering to assist in this difficult time. Bless you all.


Anecharcon Niez Licardo


Im a God Loving Person

Im a God Loving Person

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